“STOP Using Ice To Treat Chronic Pain!”

If you reach for an ice pack every time your chronic pain flares up, you might be doing more harm than good.

If you reach for an ice pack every time your chronic pain flares up, you might be doing more harm than good.


While ice numbs pain receptors and provides temporary relief, some experts now believe cold exposure actually blunts healing.


So instead of repairing your damaged spine back to full health, your lower back continues to scream every time you bend or twist.

While ice numbs pain receptors and provides temporary relief, some experts now believe cold exposure actually blunts healing.


So instead of repairing your damaged spine back to full health, your lower back continues to scream every time you bend or twist.

The Cold Truth About Ice Packs

Ice constricts blood vessels, reducing circulation to the affected area.


While this can help acute injuries, it's likely detrimental for chronic back pain sufferers.


By limiting blood flow, you could be starving injured tissue of the nutrients it needs to heal.


Think of it like trying to rebuild a house while blocking the roads that bring in construction materials.

The Hidden Dangers of Your Freezer

According to an article published by the Medical University of South Carolina, ice can slow the healing process1.


And another paper reveals prolonged use of ice therapy can lead to potential nerve damage2.


So despite what you may have been told… applying ice to your lower back, for example, could unintentionally prolong your pain and discomfort.

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

So if ice doesn’t work… What does?


The answer might surprise you: light.


But not just any light.


Over 3,000 clinical studies have shown that red light (wavelengths around 630-660 nm) can penetrate the skin, and activate the cells’ healing process.




Red light stimulates cells’ mitochondria – tiny powerhouses that produce energy.


This increased energy boosts cell function, which promotes tissue repair and reduces inflammation.

So Where Can You Get Red Light?

The most natural source of red light comes from the sun.


Which explains why NASA scientists discovered red light could emulate photosynthesis and stimulate plant growth.


However, getting sufficient exposure to red light from the sun is impractical since the quantity of red light is inconsistent.


Plus, there’s the added risk of sunburn and skin damage due to the harmful UV rays.


Many health and wellness centers provide red light therapy services, which you could use a few times a week… But for best results, you need frequent treatments.


And that’s why companies like Novaalab are changing the pain relief game for adults.

Red Light Therapy At Home

Red Light Therapy In Your Home

Novaalab’s best-seller – The Novaa Light Pad – is a portable device that gives you the benefits of Red Light Therapy from any location.


You simply wrap the pad around your pain area and turn the device on for as long as you need.


Most users find that using the Novaa Light Pad for a minimum of 20 minutes a day is sufficient for long-lasting pain relief.


Unlike ice, which restricts blood flow and merely numbs the pain… red light enhances circulation to promote tissue repair.

Backed By Science

Multiple studies prove red light therapy can accelerate the return to a pain-free life without doctors, surgery, or endless medications.


In fact, a recent review of eleven studies found that red light therapy is extremely effective at reducing pain and assisting the return to a functional lifestyle3.


Thanks to red light, many of the patients in these studies went from experiencing high-level pain during all bending and rotation tasks… To freely moving in all directions without feeling like a rusty knife was stuck in their lower back!


And these findings may explain the incredible results experienced by Novaalab’s customers.

70,000+ American Lives Changed

70,000+ American Lives Changed

Users of the Novaa Light Pad report significant improvements in their quality of life.


Many have returned to activities they thought were behind them forever, like gardening, exercise, or playing with grandchildren.


Numerous testimonials highlight the device's effectiveness where other treatments – including ice packs and physical therapy – have fallen short:

“I had TONS of chiropractic and physical therapy - rolling this, stretching that… but nothing would make the pain go away. But THREE weeks of the Novaa Light Pad? I noticed a difference right away… And I even skipped a few days!”, says customer Jenni D. 

Another Novaa Light Pad user, Teresa, also shares a similar story – 

“I have been suffering for two years with a pinched nerve in my back. The pain goes from my lower back to my hip and down the front of my leg. Extremely painful. I went to physical therapy for eight weeks. I was offered to get shots in my back which I refused. Nothing seemed to be working. I could not participate in my favorite workouts. I purchased the healing pad and used it once a day on my back for twenty minutes. It has helped me tremendously. Little by little I am able to enjoy the things I love to do.”

Want to join the 70,000+ Americans whose lives have been transformed by Novaalab?


Right now, you have the opportunity to erase your chronic pain once and for all… Without risking a single penny.

Try The Novaa Light Pad For 60 Days Risk-FREE!

Novaalab is currently offering a 60-day full money-back guarantee on the Novaa Light Pad.


If you don’t experience a remarkable difference in your chronic pain, simply return the product for a prompt refund.

No More Ice Packs

If you’re fed up with applying an ice pack to your aching back, only for the pain to rush back an hour later… The Novaa Light Pad is the perfect alternative.

Remember, red light therapy doesn’t “silence” the pain… It actively energizes your cells to stimulate repair.


That’s why thousands of Novaalab customers report significantly less pain in their day-to-day lives after using the Light Pad.


Within weeks, you could do simple tasks without having to be careful how you move.


Climbing in and out of your car…


Bending down to put on your shoes…


Or even heartwarming moments like holding your grandchild in your arms.


Yes, the Novaa Light Pad can help you break from the chains of chronic pain and give you full control of your life again!

What Will You Choose?

What Will You Choose?

You can either continue using outdated “band-aid” methods like ice packs and painkillers… which don’t address the root of your chronic pain.


Or you can rely on up-to-date treatments, proven to target the cause of your agony and suffering.


Thanks to the Novaa Light Pad, over 70,000 Americans now live misery-free lives… and have practically forgotten what chronic pain feels like.


Today, you have the chance to join these happy women and men.


And with Novaalab’s 60-day guarantee, you’ve got nothing to lose.


Click the button below to see exactly how the Novaa Light Pad works: 

Discover More About The Novaa Light Pad >>>

Click HERE To Discover More 
About The Novaa Light Pad >>>


1.  https://advance.muschealth.org/library/2022/september/ice-on-acute-injuries
3.  González-Muñoz A, Cuevas-Cervera M, Pérez-Montilla JJ, Aguilar-Núñez D, Hamed-Hamed D, Aguilar-García M, Pruimboom L, Navarro-Ledesma S. Efficacy of Photobiomodulation Therapy in the Treatment of Pain and Inflammation: A Literature Review. Healthcare (Basel). 2023 Mar 24;11(7):938.

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