All About Red Light Therapy For Sleep and Relaxation

What’s the one thing that can make or break how productive our day is going to be? Sleep. Some of us get a lot of it, but the majority of us probably don’t get enough of it, with a select few being able to strike the perfect balance. It’s never been easy to accomplish that goal, but through years of research and studies, the scientific consensus has been formed: sleep is critical for your health.

It gives us a chance to completely reset our mind and our body which, as we all know, isn’t the easiest thing to do. We need to have the freedom necessary to live our lives, whether it be getting through the workday or having the energy for a social occasion. There are different targets for all of us to hit, and sleep is at the forefront of the operation.

As it turns out, we’re starting to see more and more benefits come along that associate red light therapy with great sleep. A series of small studies have been conducted to help give some weight to this, and while there’s still lots of research to be done, the early signs are positive.

Today, we’re going to be discussing everything from RLT to getting a solid eight hours and beyond.

What is red light therapy?

If there are folks out there who feel a sense of worry coming on when the topic of red light therapy comes up, don’t worry - because it’s completely natural. There are so many different methods and ideas out there that are being pushed to the public, with the claim being that they can change your life. Some are on the money, but a lot of the examples prove to be the medical equivalent of snake oil.

Red light therapy does, in fact, fall into the former of those two categories. Yes, it involves exposing your skin to a lamp, laser, or heat-based device, but it’s also dubbed low-level laser therapy because of how safe it is. The essence of RLT is this: wavelengths are being transmitted to parts of your body that need help, whether you have a niggle or you are outright injured.

It also improves the circulation of oxygen-laden blood around your body, and it can help conduct faster healing of any deep tissue problems you may have. It gives you a more positive outlook both mentally and physically; it’s non-invasive, and there are already so many clients and customers out there who can speak to its effectiveness. What’s not to love?

What is the sleep cycle?

So, let’s move on to the heart of our subject today, which is sleeping. For all of us, there are four standard sleep stages that make up a sleep cycle, and they are defined as N1, N2, N3, and REM sleep, aka Sleep Stages One through Four. They all take on different meanings.

Stage One is when a human first falls asleep, with this Stage itself lasting between one and seven minutes. Your body hasn’t fully relaxed, and it’s fairly easy to wake someone up - however, if they aren’t interrupted, they move swiftly onto Stage Two. From a drop in your body temperature to slower breathing and a slower heart rate, this Stage can last between 10-25 minutes, although that gets longer as the night goes on.

Stage Three is a deep sleep state which can go on for between 20 and 40 minutes. Your body is in a real state of relaxation, with experts noting how critical this stage is to help you get back to 100%. 

From there, we have REM sleep, aka Stage Four. Your brain activity begins to pick up, and your body goes through atonia, which is a temporary paralysis within your muscles. From vivid dreams to improving general cognitive functions, this is essential for those out there who want to stay alert upon waking up.

The health impacts of proper sleep

It’s in our nature to sleep, and it’s even more natural for us to get a good amount of it in order to function. From being able to focus to having quicker reflexes, you’re immediately going to be in a better frame of mind once you’ve caught some Zs. Plus, and this can’t be understated, you’re far more likely to avoid a bad mood swing if you’ve been able to rest.

Practically, standard tasks that involve attention to detail can become much harder if you don’t stick to a strict schedule. In addition, though, everything from your blood pressure to your cardiovascular health can be impacted. It affects pretty much all of the tissue in our body, as per a recent report, with heart disease and obesity being more prevalent in those who aren’t getting to bed at an appropriate hour.

It’s not like your body is just shutting down, either. It is working unbelievably hard to keep everything pumping and moving at a good rate, giving you all the tools necessary for full recuperation.

If you want a better quality of life, make sure you don’t overlook this.

How red light therapy improves sleep

Now, it’s time to get to the real heart of the issue: how red light therapy can really improve your sleep. It may not always seem like a great idea to have a night light on if you want to doze off into dreamland, but there is certainly some evidence to suggest that there are some great advantages that we should be taking advantage of.

With that being said, let’s dive into a few of our favorites.

The production of melatonin

Melatonin, for those who don’t know, is a hormone that is made in the body and one that can help regulate your sleep patterns. The levels of melatonin you have tend to be at their highest in the evening when you’re resting, with those who struggle sometimes choosing to opt for supplements to try and make up the difference. Meanwhile, we think there’s a better solution out there.

Courtesy of a study from over a decade ago, we can see that melatonin levels are higher for those who utilize the effects of red light therapy. It can really boost things back up to the kind of levels you’re satisfied with, and even though we aren’t talking about a miracle overnight cure, what we are saying is that it can be extremely beneficial.

Sleep inertia

Sleep inertia is a sensation that can be felt pretty quickly upon waking up. It tends to be described as a temporary disorientation that can change our performance levels and mood, often meaning we aren’t able to react to things as quickly or remember pieces of information. Of course, if you work night shifts or have a young child, it can be difficult to keep things on track - which is where red light therapy comes in.

Recent research has shown that using RLT on a regular basis can actually decrease sleep inertia, helping you to stay as sharp as possible along the way. We all know it’s not going to do all of the work for you, but as long as you’re willing to commit and really give it a chance, then you’ll be in with a shot of getting things back to normal.

Medical advantages

It’s scary to think about just how many medical problems out there can seriously impact the way you live, and yet, there are often answers that will sit and stare us in the face for years. In a recent review, there was a study conducted to examine how the use of red light therapy could affect conditions such as stroke, brain injuries, dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, PTSD, and more. The results, quite frankly, were very positive.

It was found that RLT could really improve the symptoms of these illnesses, which was a huge step in the right direction. One of the most common symptoms that was found to have improved was sleep disturbances, and if that isn’t enough of a reason to be impressed, then we don’t know what is.


For those who don’t know, cortisol is a stress hormone that can seriously interfere with our sleep. It can impact our brainwaves and mess up the wiring to the point where it becomes hard to even keep going. Thankfully, red light therapy helps to reduce the production of cortisol, giving you the kind of peace of mind that you’ve been searching for.

As well as that a study has indicated that near-infrared light therapy demonstrates a large improvement in those suffering from depression. We know that not all of life’s big worries and concerns can be improved by getting a good amount of sleep, and we’ll openly admit that, but this can go a long way to reducing the burden on your shoulders.

Final thoughts

By this point in the process, you’re either pretty fascinated about the impact of red light therapy, or you’re feeling pretty tired - or, perhaps, a bit of both. That’s perfectly understandable, as we’ve thrown a lot of information at you, but the big takeaway is a simple one: red light therapy is on the rise, and the benefits are clear for all to see.

Between the research and the feedback from the general public, there are so many reasons to get excited about what the future holds within this field. From our point of view, it’s great to see so many new faces learning about the positives that stem from red light therapy - and it’s our job to try and prove why you should become part of the journey.

For any issues you or your friends and family may be experiencing, NovaaLab will be there to offer a helping hand. Between our own experience and the high-quality products we sell, we can guarantee that you’ll be left feeling confident about what the future holds.

So, if you’re interested, feel free to check out our website and get in touch!

I first discovered Red Light Therapy while desperately seeking relief from my debilitating body pain. Despite spending a fortune on specialists and medical treatments with no success, my scepticism vanished when my doctor mentioned

Want to learn even more about Red Light Therapy?

Take a look at our expansive resource which covers articles on the benefits, use cases, and treatments that you can utilize.

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