What You Need To Know About Red Light Therapy for Pets

The great thing about red light therapy, as has been established over the last few years, is that it can offer us a brand new route forward in our lives. Instead of living in pain and discomfort, we can instead begin an entirely new chapter in which we’re happier, healthier, and more active on a day-to-day basis, which can only be a good thing in our book.

However, it’s worth noting that we don’t have to cap this thing off at the knees — because the process can also extend to our furry friends, too. In all walks of life, pets are part of the furniture for families, both young and old. Whether it be a dog, a cat, or another kind of animal, there are so many incredible benefits to having these guys and girls around us.

So, why not treat them to the same luxuries we get? Red light therapy is considered to be a safe technique that, when used in moderation, can help all kinds of pets to improve their physical condition.

Today, we want to delve a little bit further into that topic in order to really explore the positives of this process.

What is red light therapy?

Red light therapy, at its very core, is a treatment that is often used to treat any pains and ailments you may have. While there are many different ways in which you can reduce pain, this is one of the very best - especially if you learn to use it in the comfort of your own home. Of course, many will choose to throw out some negatives, but these often stem from scare tactics within the media.

Yes, it’s scary to expose your skin to a lamp, laser, or general heat-based device - but there’s a reason why it’s called low-level laser therapy. It’s entirely safe for use, and it’s really not that hard to get the hang of. There are wavelengths that are transmitted to the parts of your body that need assistance, and from there, your issues will slowly start to slip away.

It can also improve the circulation of oxygen-laden blood around your body, ensuring that you can conduct faster healing of any deep tissue problems you may be having. Plus, in terms of your overall outlook on life, we can just about guarantee that it’s going to help you mentally as well as physically. It’s non-invasive, and with so many great reviews out there, it’s no wonder that it’s taken off as much as it has.

How does red light therapy work for pets?

Red light therapy for pets works in a very similar way to how it works for humans, just perhaps on a lesser scale. The red and near-infrared lights have a wavelength of around 600 nm, with the goal being to create more energy in your body. It impacts your mitochondria and, thus, can help with recovery at a much faster rate.

It’s all about functionality and making sure that it’s happening at the highest possible level to ensure maximum impact. Their bodies can subsequently regenerate tissues more efficiently, eliminate nitric oxide that would be harmful to the animal, and improve their overall blood flow.

With an increased immune response and less inflammation, they’ll be skipping through the park like a puppy again in no time.

What exactly can red light therapy help with?

With all of that out of the way, it’s time to get down to the nitty-gritty of this article and why we’re here. While there are endless different illnesses and conditions that can be helped in a substantial way through the use of red light therapy, we’re choosing to focus on a select few that stand out above the rest with regard to our beloved pets.

They are, like us, more vulnerable to certain problems than others, and it fills us with great joy to put this information down on paper with the sole intention of helping them find some well-deserved peace.


Red light therapy is known for helping humans deal with arthritis, especially in their older age — so it only makes sense that the same applies to pets. As they begin to get a few gray hairs here and there, they’ll soon realize that it isn’t as easy to run for the ball as it once was or even get out of bed. With RLT, they can be given a second mountain to climb all over again.

A recent study has discovered that upwards of 43% of vets are now using red light therapy as a way to treat canine arthritis patients. It’s likely that this number is going to get even higher, too, both through word of mouth and through vets voicing their thoughts on just how effective it is. In essence, they’ll be stretching out and basking in the sunshine again in the blink of an eye.


It’s something that most of us don’t even want to think about, but it’s an unfortunate truth: our pets will often have to go through the stress of surgery at some point during their lifetime. It can cause great stress for them both before and after the procedure, but thankfully, red light therapy can help the post-surgery ordeal be a little less strenuous.

As per a study, red light therapy can help animals heal far quicker after surgery. We’ve seen trials conducted in which a study of dogs undergoing bone surgery was followed by careful RLT treatment for a selection of those affected, and they were seen to have healed quicker than those who had a placebo.

Dermatological issues

Perhaps one of the most sensitive things to deal with when it comes to your pet is their skin. From getting through the hair to dealing with a nasty rash and beyond, there are multiple hurdles that need to be overcome. So, wouldn’t it be helpful if these dermatological issues could be handled in a delicate, safe, and efficient way? Yes, the answer is yes.

Pododermatitis is a condition that shows up as swollen lesions on the paws of cats and dogs, and according to a study on the use of red light therapy on dogs, there was a reduction or actual disappearance of the lesions after 65 days in those who took part. If nothing else, that’s a huge statement of intent, and it goes to show how positive it can be.

Pain relief

In the most general sense imaginable, it sucks to be in pain. Sure, we can be mentally distressed at all times of the day, but physical pains can genuinely knock us for six, to the point where it becomes difficult to get anything done. So, when that happens for an animal who lives to explore, you can imagine how frustrating it must be.

A study that was conducted just a few years back showed that low-level laser therapy can really help relieve chronic back pain in horses, which, in our view, is as impressive as it gets. The majority of the 61 horses in the study had such major improvements that they could get back to training and actively competing in under three months, which is remarkable.

Final Thoughts

We always feel as if it’s more reassuring to read through some genuine, hard evidence before making a decision on a new product if only to offer up some peace of mind. It’s never going to be enough to 100% convince you, but once you’re at a solid enough point, the only thing left to do is really take the plunge and just believe in where it can take you.

From pillar to post, red light therapy has been steadily improving for years now. Here at NovaaLab, we’ve taken the technology available to us and scaled it in a manner that has already helped thousands of Americans take the first step on their recovery journey. It isn’t an overnight miracle cure, and we’ve never claimed it to be.

Instead, it’s a marathon. It is something that will take time to implement and master, but after a couple of days and weeks of using it consistently, we hope you’ll be able to feel and see a real difference.

With that being said, feel free to check out our website and get in touch if you have any questions!

I first discovered Red Light Therapy while desperately seeking relief from my debilitating body pain. Despite spending a fortune on specialists and medical treatments with no success, my scepticism vanished when my doctor mentioned

Want to learn even more about Red Light Therapy?

Take a look at our expansive resource which covers articles on the benefits, use cases, and treatments that you can utilize.

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